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Project navigation

This article helps you navigate your project, discover the functionality of all pages here.

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Build your AI knowledgebase: Here you can add sources for your AI assistants to learn from. You can add websites and other types of text here.

Read how to manage your AI knowledgebase in this article.

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Configure your chat agent: Here, you can customize your chat agent’s tone of voice and behavior to match your brand and customer needs.

Read the full documentation on agent setup here.

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Personalize the widget: Make your widget look like your brand and set up the languages you want to support

Read the full documentation on widget personalization here.

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View the conversation: This is where you can see all the conversations your chat agent had with your customers

Discover how to use the conversation module here.

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Implement the widget on your website: Here you van find all the steps on how to install the widget on your own website

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