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Understanding organizations and projects

This section of the Chathive documentation explains how to navigate and manage your AI assistant projects and organizational settings effectively. Whether you're looking to oversee project details or adjust organization-level settings, the following insights will help you utilize the platform's full capabilities smoothly. Read on to understand the functionalities and navigation paths within Chathive’s structured environment.

Understanding Organizations in Chathive

An organization in Chathive serves as a centralized hub where you can oversee both users and projects within the same subscription. This is where the core administrative functions occur. You can easily identify your current organization; it’s displayed right next to the Chathive logo in the top navigation bar. For example, in the provided screenshot, the organization is identified as "Chathive".

Example of organization next to logo called Chathive

The organization in this example is called “Chathive”

Accessing Your Organization

To manage your organization, click on the dropdown menu next to the organization name in the top navigation bar. Selecting an organization from this dropdown will take you to the organization's main view. The left navigation bar will update accordingly to show options relevant to organization management.

Key Navigation Points within an Organization

  • Dashboard: View insights into how message credits are utilized across all your projects.

  • Projects: Navigate to specific AI assistant projects or start a new one.

  • Members: Control access to the organization and extend invitations to new members.

  • Billing: Handle subscription details here. This section also provides direct access to the payment platform for viewing invoices and updating payment methods and details.

Understanding Projects in Chathive

A project in Chathive is a dedicated environment where you can enhance your AI’s knowledge base and manage its operations. Each project operates independently, ensuring that activities within one do not interfere with others.

Learning More About Project Navigation

For more detailed guidance on navigating and managing a Chathive project, refer to the linked article here.

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