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Project Settings

General Settings

In the general settings, you can change your project name and icon or delete your project.

Important notice: Deleting your project is irreversible, only do this if you’re 100% sure.

You will lose all your conversations and training tokens will not reset until next subscription month.

Model Settings

You can modify your AI model and its corresponding algorithm in the project settings. To determine which model and algorithm best suit your use case, please refer to our guide on selecting the optimal settings for your needs.

GDPR Settings

With the Professional and Enterprise-plan you can setup a retention policy. With the switch you can choose if you’d like to retain conversations indefinitely. If not, you can also choose the amount of months that messages will be kept. This way you can be in compliance with your privacy and security policies.

Important notice: Messages older than your retention time will be instantly, and irreversibly deleted when you enable this setting. Only enable this if you are sure you don’t need the older messages.

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