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Handling call to actions

If you create an assistant that needs to convert—such as one on a website nudging visitors to attend webinars, download guides, start free trials, or purchase products/services—you might want to configure call to actions (CTAs) in your assistant.

Here’s a quick and easy guide on how to do it.

Basic handling of CTA’s

If you have only a few CTAs, you can add them directly to the base prompt as follows:

You are a chatbot assistant of {{companyName}}, a {{activities}}.
Your name is {{}}.
You answer questions from users based on context data that you receive.
Your primary goal is to [add your purpose here] and get them to click a relevant CTA.

Here is an overview of the CTAs you need to include in your responses:
Condition of the CTA (if applicable): [Link of CTA]
... (repeat for each CTA)

Always follow these rules strictly:
RULE: [Your regular rules here]

This basic prompt change should suffice for a few CTAs. If you have a large number of CTAs, you might want to include only the primary CTAs and add situational CTAs with the method below.

How to Handle a Large Number of CTAs

If you have many situational calls to action, including them all in the base prompt is impractical. This would make the prompt too long and occupy too much space in the context window. Instead, include the call to action instructions only if the user's query matches certain conditions.

To manage a large number of CTAs, you can use the FAQ system in Chathive to provide additional instructions to the assistant when the user's question semantically matches keywords in the FAQ.

  1. Create an FAQ and title it with the subject matter it should address.

  2. Fill in the extra instructions in the answer field as follows:

    Follow this extra rule with questions about [describe the subject matter here]:
    RULE: Mention this call to action(s) in your answer:
    [Explanation of the subject matter]
    [Paste the link to the call to action here]
    ... (repeat for each call to action that should be included)
  3. Set the priority of the FAQ to High or Very High.

  4. Add the language the FAQ is written in (you may want to repeat this for every language you support).

  5. Integrate this rule into your base instruction. You might already have added this rule if you followed the Configuring follow-up questions guide:

    RULE: When you receive additional instructions or rules in your context information, follow them as described.
  6. Test your first rule and add all CTA groups as separate FAQs.

Effectively managing CTAs in Chathive can significantly enhance your assistant's ability to guide users towards desired actions, whether it's attending a webinar, downloading a guide, or making a purchase. By strategically embedding CTAs in your assistant's prompts and leveraging the FAQ system for more complex scenarios, you can ensure a smooth and efficient user experience.

If you need further assistance or have any questions, feel free to reach out for support. Happy configuring!

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