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Manage source priority system

Training document priority in Chathive is a powerful feature that allows you to control the influence of each source on the AI assistant's responses. By adjusting priorities, you can ensure that the most trustworthy and relevant sources are used more frequently, while less crucial information is only drawn upon when highly relevant to the user's query. This document guides you through prioritizing sources individually and in bulk.

Determining Priority Levels

When setting priorities, consider how frequently and in what context the AI assistant should use each source:

  • Lower priority: Use this for sources that should only be used if relevance to the user question is very high, but should otherwise be avoided.

  • Higher priority: Apply this to trusted and comprehensive sources, encouraging the AI to reference them more frequently, regardless of direct relevance, ensuring that reliable information is readily available.

Impact of Priority Settings

Adjusting the priority influences the global relevance score of each source, which dictates its prevalence in the AI's responses:

  • Global nature of priority settings: It’s important to note that priority is a global setting and can’t be changed for specific questions. It only relates to the trustworthiness and quality of the source.

  • Strategic application: Higher priority should be given to consistently high-quality sources to ensure that dependable content shapes the AI’s responses more significantly. Conversely, lower priorities are reserved for sources that, while useful, should be referenced selectively to maintain the relevance and accuracy of the information provided.

This structured approach to priority management not only optimizes the use of sources based on their quality and relevance but also tailors the AI’s performance to better meet user needs through refined information delivery.

Individual Document Priority Adjustment

Step 1: Access Training Documents

Begin by logging into your Chathive dashboard. Go to the Training data section to view your list of training documents.

Step 2: Edit Document Priority

For each training document, you wish to prioritize:

  1. Click the edit button next to the document's title.

  2. In the edit window, you'll find a Priority dropdown menu. Options available are:

    • Very Low

    • Low

    • Default

    • High

    • Very High

    • Top Priority

After selecting, click Update to confirm the new priority setting.

Bulk Priority Update

Step 1: Filter Training Documents

To streamline the process:

  1. Use the search function to filter documents by specific URLs or titles that you want to group together for a priority change.

Step 2: Select Documents

Increase the page size at the bottom to view more documents at once, making it easier to select multiple documents for bulk updating.

Step 3: Change Priority in Bulk

  1. Select the checkboxes beside the documents you want to update.

  2. Click on Change priority and choose the desired priority level from the dropdown.

Step 4: Apply Changes

Click Update to apply the new priority to all selected documents at once.


Effectively using the priority system in Chathive allows you to shape the AI assistant's knowledge base to your organization's specific needs. By methodically assigning priorities, you take control over the quality and relevance of the AI-generated responses, resulting in a more finely-tuned and accurate assistant.

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