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Chathive reseller platform

Interested in becoming a reseller? Send an e-mail to

The Chathive reseller platform is engineered to enable the incorporation of AI assistant services into the service offerings of consulting firms, agencies, and development companies. This platform permits our partners to distribute Chathive licenses to their clientele, oversee AI assistant setups, and facilitate account transitions from demo to paid subscriptions. Our pricing model is designed to support these activities by allowing resellers to purchase at a reduced rate and sell at the standard market price (or even at a discount). In addition, you are free to offer chatbot consulting as you see fit for whatever price you want.

Platform Capabilities

Our reseller platform equips businesses with the tools needed to effortlessly integrate AI assistant solutions into their service portfolios. It simplifies the processes of initiating, managing, and upgrading AI assistant services for clients, ensuring a smooth transition to paid accounts when they decide to commit. This methodology is aimed at assisting your business in providing added value to your clients while unveiling new avenues for revenue.

Who is this for?

The platform is primarily geared towards consulting firms and agencies eager to include AI assistant consultancy in their array of services, as well as development agencies looking to diminish costs and complexity by leveraging an established platform with extensive APIs, rather than developing bespoke solutions from the ground up.

How the reseller platform works

An interactive demo is accessible to offer a thorough understanding of the reseller platform's functionalities and capabilities. You can view it here:

How the process of becoming a reseller works

To become a reseller, we need to set up a meeting to discuss the specifics of how we might work together. If we proceed, we will send you over our template reseller agreement and conversations can go from there. This process usually takes no more than a few weeks before you are up and running.

If you want to start the process of becomming our reseller. Send an e-mail to

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